Now you can make a little 6-paged zine!
Except not on mobile - that is all sorts of broken right now. Sorry :(
This tool allows you to draw each page of a 6-page + covers "zine", a type of short hand-made book thing. You can draw each page in the boxes below, then compile them into A4-sized images to download and print.
The final zine will have a front and back cover, and three spreads of pages (1 and 2, 3 and 4 and 5 and 6) and a secret poster that can be printed on the back side!
- Step 1: Draw the zine! Scroll down to each zine page below and draw whatever you desire to print. If you're printing double sided, don't forget the poster to feature on the inside of the final folded zine!
- Step 2: Compile the zine! When you're satisfied with each page, press the preview button below the poster page to pull all the pages together into what is going to print! You can go back and edit your creation at this stage by pressing the "Show individual pages".
- Step 3: Download and print! Now that you're satisfied with the zine, preview one more time and right click on the two bottom pages to download PNG files. You should be able to print these from your computer as is, but you can also put them together into a PDF.
- Step 4: Customize! Some of the best zines are multi-produced then customized with colouring in, annotations and stickers. Share some of your work with the hashtag #makeazine if you want to - and tag me @caitelatte if you want :)
Front cover
Pages 1 and 2
Pages 3 and 4
Pages 5 and 6
Back cover
Poster for back of page
Now you're ready to print a zine!
You can right-click these two images (Don't worry, this won't draw on them!) and download each one. Then you can print them (double-sided if you want the secret poster!) to a printer and fold them into a small zine!